How can I find my lost files? This would be for a document they created but do not know where they saved it to.

How do I find the document I downloaded?


How do I get sound to work on my computer?

How do I get my internal microphone to work on my computer?

How do I get my external microphone to work on my computer?

Why is my external speaker not working?

Does Triton have speakers available that students can use?

Does Triton have headphones students can use?

Does Triton have external microphones students can use?


How do I access the email system?

How do I log into my email? (This is for first time users)

How do I change my password, it says it has expired?

How do I change my email password before it expires?


Does Triton offer student discounts on software? If not, where can I get a discount?

Can I receive help with setting up software that I need for class?

Does Triton have laptops or tablets students can use?

Why is my camera not working?

My computer is slow, what should I do?

My computer is frozen, and I cannot move my mouse, what should I do?

My computer will not boot, what should I do?

I cannot log in, what do I do?

My internet is not working, it says no connection, please help.

My internet is slow, please help.

What sites allows students to work together virtually?

How do I log into BlackBoard?

Where can I get more help with BlackBoard and how to use blackboard collaborate?

Blackboard does not allow me to click on the video/mic options via my phone. What must I do?

How can I get help with Outlook?

Does Triton have webcams for student use?

Does Triton have mobile hotspot students can use?

What technology does Triton loan out to Triton students?

Why is my Wi-Fi hotspot not connecting?


I am having difficulty taking an online exam, how can I get assistance?

Still need answers to your questions, submit an Online Help Center Form

Additional Contact Information:
IT HELP DESK - 708-456-0300 x3375
LIBRARY INFORMATION DESK - 708-456-0300 x3215
ETRC/BLACKBOARD – 708-456-0300 x3361 or x3039
ETRC Email
ETRC (additional resources)